Now we all know how hardy denim is, but the Kokoda Challenge truly tested my boots out!! with the event exhausting my supply of denim shoes.....it was the toughest thing I have ever done!!!! But Team Wewannachecken finished as a team of 4 in just over 29 hours. We are all very proud of ourselves for finishing as there was some dark hours thru the night when demons were calling for particularly me! to give up and go home to bed. But they did not win, my bro stood firm behind me, let me have my hissy fit and told me to hurry up and get walking!! One foot after the other! Will I be doing it again.....there is absolutely no chance I will be enduring that again. Did I mention the team that finished first finished in 11 and a half hours! Hmmmm that is ultra fit!
It was for a great cause with the Kokoda Challenge Youth Program making a difference in young local people's lives, we contributed to this and it feels good to do so. Just not the body!!!! Still limping around 10days after with knees taking a beating, and the boys suffered what they called Baboonitis!!, serious chaff in the nether regions. Thank you to all who encouraged me and my team, the texts at 4am, 5am and when times were tough. I so appreciate it.
Back to denim by deborah, bag making has begun again, my clean organised work space (thanks mum xxx) is back to looking like organised chaos, unfortunately it doesn't take long with a 2 year old's help playing with ribbon and yo yo's. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue and stock levels for The Butterfly Tree Market this weekend will be in abundance and then to follow up with Boutique Markets 8th August.
Yay for you Deborah!! What an amazing thing to do! Don't think I'd make it through something like that. Congratulations to you. x